EPA's MS4 websites

When it rains or snows, the water soaks into the ground, evaporates back into the atmosphere or runs off. This runoff, also known as storm water, has some obvious impacts such as flooding and erosion. Some less obvious, but equally important, impacts of stormwater runoff include increased pollution, reduced ground water supplies, and lower stream flows during dry spells. Traditionally, stormwater has been seen as a nuisance to be collected and dumped into the nearest ditch or stream and disposed of. Unfortunately, such an approach neglects the reality that most of us live or work downstream of someone else. As a result, our neighbor's nuisance becomes our problem, which in turn becomes a problem for our downstream neighbors.

Stormwater management involves the control of water that runs off the surface of the land from rain or melting ice or snow. The volume, or amount of runoff and its rate of runoff, substantially increases as land development occurs. Construction of impervious surfaces, such as roofs and parking lots, and the installation of storm sewer pipes which efficiently collect and discharge runoff, prevent infiltration of rainfall into the soil.

Management of stormwater is necessary to compensate for the possible impacts of development such as flooding, erosion and sedimentation problems, concentration on flow on adjacent properties, damages to roads, bridges and other infrastructure as well as non-point source pollution washed off from impervious surfaces.

The Borough is required to obtain a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in order to operate a storm sewer system. The permit, called a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, requires the Borough to take certain steps to ensure that stormwater in the Borough is properly managed and controlled. It also requires that the Borough educate the public about storm water impacts, as well as provide opportunities for public involvement and participation.

After the Storm
Be Stormwater Smart
Don't let Stormwater Runoff With Your Time and Money
Homeowners Guide to Stormwater
How to build a Rain Barrel
NPS Bookmark
NPS Urban Facts
Pet Waste Tips
Rain Barrel Installation and Maintenance

Stormwater and Construction
Stream Maintenance
Washing Your Car
Water Efficient Landscaping
We All Live Downstream
What is a Watershed
When Your Cars Leaking Oil


Management Links:
Stormwater Management Ordinance Link
PADEP Stormwater Management Link
EPA Stormwater Program Link
NPDES Stormwater Program Link

Community Involvement Programs:
Chester Ridley Crum Watersheds Associates Link
Delaware County Conservation District Link
Darby Creek Valley Association Link

Spills & Emergencies: PADEP – 484-250-5900
Fill Kills: PA Fish Commission – 717-626-0228
Delcora: 610-876-5523